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simpleLoader Animation
effect:'slideBottom', ease: "easeInOutCirc", style: 'fluoMagenta', delayTime: 1000, animationTime: 500, onAfter: function() {...}
animation: {
name: 'simpleLoader',
options: {
ease: "easeInOutCirc",
style: 'fluoMagenta',
delayBefore: 1000, //delay time in milliseconds
exitTime: 500,
onAfter: function() {alert('onAfter');}
spinJs: {
lines: 10, // The number of lines to draw
length: 10, // The length of each line
radius: 30, // The radius of the inner circle
width: 8, // The line thickness
color: '#fff' // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors